Carsales gains a 300% increase in addressable audience reach to drive advertising and marketing opportunities

February 21, 2024

Carsales and AdFixus have partnered to power its anonymous audience identification technology and gain insight into its cross-domain traffic as well as increase its audience-driven advertising and marketing opportunities.  

In a recent article on Mi-3, from 23 March 2023, ‘Carsales resurrects its Safari audience via its CDP; builds a $55m ad business – but silos made hard work of the tech rollout’, Stephen Kyefulumya, GM media product and technology, carsales mediahouse walked through how carsales have built a first party ID solution – carsales ID. It is this ID and its integration across their technology solution that is paying dividends for their business.

In summary:

  • Carsales have partnered with AdFixus to expand the viewership of audiences across all browser types.
  • The partnership has delivered 300% audience reach uplift and delivered a cross-domain solution for all carsales’ leading brands.
  • Carsales mediahouse, the carsales’ media engine, is on-track to generate approximately $60m in revenue this financial year. 
  • The model is built around their CDP utilising the AdFixus Identity solution that eliminates the issue of declining third-party cookies whilst keeping-up with growing privacy regulations.  
  • The business has been kicking goals, having regained its Safari audience which had declined in recent years due to Apple's third-party cookie deprecation policies. 

Quotes from Stephen Kyefulumya from the article:

  • With reference to what Apple has done with Safari and ITP (Intelligent Tracking Prevention)- “They’ve already deprecated the third-party cookie. So, the industry is operating on circa less than 40 or 50 percent of inventory.”
  • “I can provide it (the CDP) with my first-party cookie, along with a bunch of all the other IDs that I have acquired, and it resolves that into a segment for you. If you combine those two things, what we've now seen is that we have resurrected our Safari audience.”
  • “Close to 70 percent of our traffic is mobile.  Apps and mobile browser are the biggest part of our traffic. And of course, what's the highest use application in Australia, it’s iOS by a country mile, it’s staggering how dominant they are.”
  • “With this technology we put in place, we've seen a three times lift in our audience reach, so it’s substantial (though he qualifies the term reach due to ambiguity over what represents a unique audience member)."

The anticipated changes to third-party cookies require that publishers find new ways to gain insight into traffic attributes, to continue offering quality solutions for advertisers. This has been restricting their ability to truly enrich their audience segments and offer a true view of the opportunity on their platforms.  

When we asked Stephen for his thoughts, he said -  

“Our goal is to provide our advertising partners with the best offering in market, having visibility of the true opportunity on our platforms is key to driving the right outcome for their campaign needs”. “The AdFixus technology gives us back the visibility and understanding of our own traffic that had disappeared with the industry changes. For us, this significantly increases our ability to serve the right ad to the right person across our network as such also delivering significant performance increase for our clients.”

From the AdFixus point of view, our CEO Marko Markovic said that ‘publishers and brands alike want visibility to what is a true view of their audiences to understand what is working and what isn’t working with their marketing campaigns. Our partnership with carsales has delivered fantastic results whilst ensuring consumer privacy is protected at all costs, and we are now working with their leading advertisers to drive further improvements across their campaigns. Our patented technology enables our customers to regain the viewership that they had lost, whilst delivering complete consumer privacy and improved relevancy as never before.’

At AdFixus, we believe in putting individuals first. That’s why we designed AdFixus Platform to create digital identities that are owned, stored and under the full control of the related individual. We also leverage advanced encryption algorithms, as per blockchain, to ensure that the data of individuals is secure.  With our consent management solution, Adfixus Consent, consent is fully owned and under the control of the individual, making it easy to grant or revoke consent across a single website or a group of websites.

Our solution also allows for activation on first-party data via programmatic channels (Deal IDs) or direct sell, without risking data assets or consumer privacy. By generating and using a consistent identifier, we enable accurate understanding of audience reach, whilst removing duplication and reducing the costs of other platforms such as CDPs and analytical systems.

At AdFixus, we're committed to offering a comprehensive, privacy-centric solution that empowers businesses to make the most of their data without compromising on individuals' trust.

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